~If lightning strikes a tree and you witness it then someone you know will die.
~Dropping the silverware means that company is coming.Drop a spoon and the company will be female, drop a fork and the company
will be male. Dropping a knife will break the spell.
~If your nose itches, it means that someone is thinking about you.
~Put a scalded hand in hot water to ease the pain and prevent blistering. (Ouch! Sounds painful! Vandoodle DOES NOT recommend
~To win at cards, tie a bat's heart to your right arm with red silk string. (Bet that smelled nice!)

~Never stare in an animal's eyes, if you look away first it will be very bad luck, if the animal looks away first then you
have a bad spirit around you.
~A voyage across a sea must never begin on a Friday.
~Say "Gesundheit!" (Health) when another person sneezes, to prevent that person from sneezing his soul out and to
drive away evil spirits that may have come from his mouth.(WHO KNEW?!?)