His child was due to be born in 3 months. But, Jaime Castell, a Spanish Hotel Executive,heard a voice in a dream tell him
that he would never see it.
Castell, convinced that he was to die soon,took out an insurance policy for more than $100,000 (7 million pesetas), payable
only in the event of his death and with no other benefits.
A few weeks later he was driving home from work at a steady 50 mph when a car going in the opposite direction at over 100
mph struck a safety barrier,somersaulted in midair, and landed on top of his very car.
Castell and the other driver were instantly killed.
The insurance company paid Mrs. Castell without delay,though,normally a death so close to the policy's issue would have raised
alarm and suspicion.
"But this incredible accident rules out any suspicion," a spokesman for the insurance company said;"a fraction of a second
either way and he would have survived."
(Source: The Unexplained:Mysteries of Mind Space and Time,Vol. 1,Issue 6)