In High Point,North Carolina in fall,1989,on a ordinary morning before noon ,two women describe a loud sound coming from their
2nd floor balcony apartment. "It was a really loud slamming noise because I was vacuuming at the time and heard it over the
vacuum.The glass doors shook.I thought they were shattered!", said one eyewitness.
When the curtain was pulled back,the entire balcony was waist deep to the top of the railings with thousands of large pinecones.
Stunned and fearing troublemakers, one of the witness' ran outside and around to the back of the apartments. NO one was observed
anywhere and moreover,incredibly, there was not one pinecone on the ground. Altho one could clearly see the balcony and was
spilling over with the cones.
Pine Trees were behind the apartments but stood a good 15 or more feet from the back of the apartments.One witness said,"Even
if a strong wind did this, how can one explain the absence of pinecones every where else? And, if it was people, how could
they all throw the cones at once and with such accuracy?" The witness' are of good standing and well liked in the neighborhood.
They seemed clearly bewildered by the whole experience.
No other inhabitants of the apartment complex ever reported this before or since the incident.
(Reported directly to the Editor by the witness',Fall 1989)