So yer askin' yerself. Who is this elusive, 'Vandoodle'? o..Yew wasn't? Oh, well, I'll tell ya anyway.
I am 32, married and a mother of 4. Yes, I said Mother. So, Yes, I am female. Sometimes with the anonimity the internet
provides, I am often mistaken for a guy (why?i dunno) by the websites and interests I have. Whatever...when I tell ya Im a
lady, I friggin' mean it...so leave me alone. :) I smoke like a freight train and consume more coffee than downtown
Manhattan. I live in North Carolina in a farm house. Yes, they are some still left. It's not quite 100 years old. Yet.
I own a pittbull, a mutt, and 3 stupid cats.

Which, incidently, you need living where I do. They really do take care of any mice you might have had. Or birds...or any
cute little fuzzy baby bunnies you may have had romping thru your garden. Yup, they take care of those annoying little things.
I shall tell you no more....(I have already said too much!)
Here is a sample of my family and friends. We are all hoping to become internet superstars by years end. Not. But, amuse
yerself with this homemmade vid from Vandoodle.
**Warning: This video(s) contains images of actual rednecks. All permission from
said rednecks have been attained. Some images may be disturbing or stupid. Viewer Discrection has been advised. ;)