**Some of these sites contain adult humour and should be viewed as such.VanDoodle is in NO way affiliated with any of these
sites! That said...Check 'em out!
Actual resume' from actual crazy person.Wow.
 These two wiggers were caught showing their respective signs. They may not be the real Fred Durst and
Eminem, but they're just as ridiculous. Features pics of 'real' wiggers in their own habitat!
Sites that make you go...HmMmm.
Wife Coffee Table |
Jeff Green is a 32 year old american, in Arizona, whose wife passed.
Due to the great pain he suffered due to her death, he did something totally out of character for a normal and sane person.
He turned his wife into a coffee table.FOR REAL!
Collection of found..um, notes. Strangly intriguing. Allbeit, wierd and all. Watch out, this one is addictive.