What you'll need
Catch and clean (or get them store bought ones) Catfish, You'll want about 2 pounds of Fillets fer this recipe.
Then go to the store, or fridge and back yard and gather up:
1/4 cup cornmeal 1/4 cup flour 2 eggs beaten 1 12oz beer 1/4 cup minced onion 3 cups oil (your choice) salt
and pepper to taste
Mix, in a medium bowl, the flour, cornmeal, salt and pepper. In a separate bowl beat the egg, add the beer and onions .
Cut the fillets into squares. Heat the oil. Roll the fish in the flour mix, then into the beer mix then back into the flour
mix. Next put into the hot oil and cook until brown -
I like mine cooked a little longer so they're really crispy. |