An excited, yet unnervingly calm, Mr. Bryant, or just 'Plain ol' Jesse' as he likes to be called
granted us an interview today to tell us about this 30 day radio promotion tour coming up. The tour plans to
carry them from Nashville all the way to Texas.
Why the promotonal tour? Because Jesee and the band has just signed with PLA Media,The same people who discovered Garth Brooks,Trisha
Yearwood! Other great Stars that have come their way was Steve Earl, Brooks & Dunn, and Miss Dolly Parton. Including
Jesse they are also working with Ken Melons.The band has been around for many years and has developed a following in the east
coast but with signing with PLA it's time to step things up a notch. Taking things across country is the next steps to
taking our southern style to the Midwest and showing them how we boot stomp! In the following weeks Jesse and the
band will be playing dates in around 'The Lone Star State'...Yes...Good Ol' Texans will get to hear the original songs written
entirely by the The Windy Ridge Band, themselves!
'Mistakes I've Made' is a melodic contemporary song with a true country base with it's classic storytelling and soft accoustical
melody. Songs with stories we all know and can connect with, lost love is something we all have felt at one time
or another. And songs about love will never stop being written and this will be one of the ones you'll remember next time
you lose one.
The Windy Ridge Band shows great range with comtemporary songs as above but in the same album (Mistakes Iv'e Made)the song 'She's Gone' harkens back to the roots of country with awesome piano mixed with the twang of the slide guitar!
Just exactly what you want to hear when you need real country...'Certified Country'
as Jesse puts it!