The VanDoodleZine

Jesse & The Windy Ridge Band

Coming Soon! A Surprise!

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     Playing clubs across the east coast for the last ten years, The Windy Ridge Band, has made lots of fans and friends over the years. Not surprisingly, tho! Because their music has such a familar sound, it takes us southerners back in time.
       Starting off playing cover songs in their living rooms, they moved on to playing the local clubs. Presented with the surpising stereotype of "being too country" The Windy Ridge Band went on to make a name for themselves playing in the clubs who took a chance on them. Ten years later, they have a tightknit fan base across the southeast that follows them from club to club! (People really do that?) Yes, and it's cool apparently. "It's just cool knowing a local band who has made it!", said one patron at Connelley's Private Club during a performance.

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Bringing Down the House in Thomasville, NC-2004
Copyright VanDoodle Studio 2004 AllRightsReserved
Jesse Bryant-Lead Singer
Here's a band with acoustical charm and southern wit all wrapped into one. Their latest album, "Mistakes I've Made" is a collection of soulful, thought provoking music. From original scores like , "Those Old Memories", written by Jesse Bryant that might just put a tear in yer beer, to footstomping, beertapping songs like, "She's Gone" and "Honky Tonks and Dance Halls".

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